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Showing posts from May, 2016

Top 5 Considerations for Effective Security Awareness #ITSecurity #SecurityAwareness #PeopleIssue

"If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behaviour"  This quote was taken by William Glasser, an American psychiatrist. I think it's really relative to this subject, as a user, you may be fully aware of IT/Cyber Security and how your actions can reflect on the company you work for...However it doesn't mean it is going to change the way you work. As a company you need to start to change users   behaviours ... The below is taken from the company I work for ZeroDayLab  blog, which I feel, are the key components to Security Awareness/Behaviour Training. Top 5 are below (part 2 to follow) Interested in the datasheet? please let me know... Security, The Risk of Human Error...& a Tricky Thing Called Motivation… Top 10 Considerations for Truly Effective Security Awareness Training Even though 52% of breaches are attributed to human error, security awareness is still quite a new thing for many companies....